The property extends to 3,526 sq ft and not as stated in the catalouge.
Confirm Plot No 6 for sale, not plots 1 - 5 inclusive. Soil and cabin not included in sale. Full planning approval as per plans. Developer must be NHBC certificated and site NHBC registered before development can be commenced.
Conditions attached to planning - awaiting final discharge in writing from local authority (imminent).
Building regs passed on Plot 5 - Imminent Plot 4.
No on-close parking
Cars x 2 to be garaged at all times
No parking of caravans, boats, trailers, vehicles in excess of car derived vans
Pets - domestic only (no breeding)
Occupation - following completion.
A vacant plot, within greenbelt land offered with the benefit of full planning permission to erect a 6 bedroomed detached property extending to 3,526 sq ft with a detached double garage and off road parking. The land being part of the old Lord Derby Family.
The plot is part of prestigious development extending to approximately 2 acres together with 5 similar properties and drawings are available at the auctioneers offices. The properties cannot be changed and are all architect designed and approved. The development will be highly secure with electronic gated access and 1.8 fencing around the perimeter. One of the other plots have been sold and the other 4 are being developed by the vendor with a 2 year development plan.
All main services are available however potential purchasers should make their own enquiries.
Sutton Kersh - Auctions
2 Cotton Street,
L3 7DY
t. 0151 207 6315
f. 0151 207 6316
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